Privacy statement

Version 1.0 d.d. 09-01-2018

Gentenaar Transport can not carry out its business activities if no personal data is processed. Your privacy is very important to us. On this page we will let you know what personal data we collect when you use our website, why we collect this data and what we do with it. We believe it is important that your data is handled with care and ensure that the personal information you provide to us is treated confidentially. In short, our privacy statement means that we:

  • Only use to perform our (official) tasks and activities.
  • Do not collect or use for purposes other than those described in this privacy statement.
  • Secure it carefully. This privacy policy applies to the services of Gentenaar Transport. You should be aware that Gentenaar Transport is not responsible for the privacy policy of other sites and sources mentioned on our website.

The use of personal data


We do not collect or use your personal data for purposes other than those described in this privacy policy unless we have obtained your prior consent to do so.

Use of our services

When you sign up for one of our services, we ask you to provide personal information. This data is used to properly perform the service.


When you send e-mail or other messages to us, we will retain those messages for as long as is necessary or reasonable, according to the nature of your message, for complete response and/or processing. In some cases, we ask for your personal information if it is relevant to the situation at hand. We handle the information you provide with care.

Third Party

Your personal data will not be shared with third parties. Our employees are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.


We provide appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data you provide from unauthorized use. Secure connections are used to transmit data over the Internet.

Viewing and modifying personal data

When we process your data you have the right to access that data. If you are in doubt as to whether the data is correct, complete or relevant, you may request it in writing stating the reason with a copy of your proof of identity. We will make those adjustments as soon as possible or give you a reasoned explanation of why your wishes cannot (yet) be carried out.

Web Visit

When you visit our website, the technical characteristics of your requests are kept in so-called log files on our servers. We do not track who is using which ip address at any given time, so we do not trace this data to your person.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use the Website. The information thus obtained, including the address of your computer (IP address), is transmitted to and stored by Google on its servers. Please read Google’s privacy policy for more information, as well as Google Analytics’ specific privacy policy. Google uses this information to track how our website is used, to provide us with reports on the Website and to provide its advertisers with information on the effectiveness of their campaigns. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no control over this. We have not allowed Google to use the Analytics information obtained for other Google services.


A cookie is a simple small file that a website stores through the browser. A cookie stores information. This website uses functional cookies that are necessary for the website to work properly. These cookies have little or no impact on the privacy of the website visitor.

Exceptions: Abuse, obligations

If, in our judgment, there is abuse or improper use of our facilities, we may deny certain ip numbers and/or email addresses access to our services or website for a specified or indefinite period of time. If misused, we may make attempts to trace the data back to your person, for example to contact you or to file a report or take you to court. If required by law, we will make data available.

Questions and feedback

If you have questions not answered in this privacy statement, comments on its contents or complaints about the way we handle your personal data, we would like to get in touch with you. To do so, please email

Gentenaar Transport
Fuutweg 8,
4791 PB Klundert